I should know this but i dont. Basically, i want to record from my Xbox360/TV to my Laptop so i get a file that i can upload to youtube.. simples Now i know ill need some sort of capture device? usb? and maybe some software, ive googled and got some complicated shit, but does anyone here have first ...
sorry to necro a 3 month old thread but as i was reading about l4d2 on game i cam across this customer review on www.game.co.uk Joshua Williams posted on 14 Jan 2010 i think left 4 dead 2 is awful it is so repetative all you do is kill zombies again and there is nothing exciting about the game... i ...
Final Fantasy XIII Anyone playing it then? Not the best of the series but notheless, abso-fekkin-lutely fantabulousalingalong. Not your usual JRPG, its a mix between turn based combat and free flow, you still pick moves to perform, but its not like you have 3 guys stood oposite each other twatting ...
Good T-shirts and again, another missed the point by people that find it offensive tbh haha, to take offense from a country that didnt qualify is stupid....as that's kinda the point!
Ok first off Reddragon lol @ your sig.. the resolution size fucked or summat? Are the numerous stories on the net about xbox being full of 12 year old true? (by the way ,unlike what most people think ,I would not consider this a plus) Yes unfortunatly the majority of the xboxlive is full of kids, es...
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay late sorry, no point asking me shit on this forum haha dont check it enough haha :D Well i got the MSI and its fine, not had any probs with it really, bar trying to upgrade to Win7 which just turned out to be a pile of ass problems, i just use it as a portable writing machine and i...
hehe at least someone got my hint thanks mate yeah its a shame wordpress only has like a few diff types of templates, and most are pretty pap.. so just used the basic one, and whacked my own header and a free domain haha