My Last Hope (for Broadband that is)

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My Last Hope (for Broadband that is)

Ok Lads looks like i am going to ge my new Broadband Service switched on in the next couple months, i only hope to fuk this gets me back online ! even more so with BF3 on its way !

i am getting rid om my utterly, utterly shite satillite broadband and i have signed up for Something called the BET System through Scotnet which they say will gaurentee me a stable connection speed of at least 1-2Mb compared to the 16-34Kb of the satillite pish !! origionaly the connection fee was going to be about £800 but have managed to screw them down to £136 ! LoL and £18 per month after that which is a bargin compared to the £29 per month for the satillite !

now for the Techie bit, i am however somwaht dubious if the BET System is actually going to work as i am 16 miles from the exchange and the actual state of the BT lines are very, very poor, and from what i can gather the system is just a signal booster, i dont really know much more than that.

Dose any of you Tech lads know about or heard of the BET System ? and will i finally be able to get online again ?? All i do know is that anything has to be better than that fukin satilite shite, at least the BET system will work in the rain, fog, snow, wind, frost ect....
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Re: My Last Hope (for Broadband that is)

Get yer hands on one of these, problem solved.

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Re: My Last Hope (for Broadband that is)

Here's some info on the BET soultion (PDF download) Maybe some of the more tech savy can tell Para if its snake oil or the real deal.

http://www.communitybroadbandscotland.o ... mmary/7/10
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Re: My Last Hope (for Broadband that is)

when i signed the contract i asked them for the tecnical details of the system and the actually sent me a longwinded and quite in depth letter explaining how it works but to be honest its over my head ! :oops:

still ike i said anything has to be better than the satillite BB and at least the BET should work regardless.
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Re: My Last Hope (for Broadband that is)

Well here is the first problem - you say 15 miles - the pdf says up to 12 km. Reading through the document it looks like it's not extensible beyond that - they seem to be inserting 3 devices into your line - 1 at the exchange, 1 half way and 1 at your house. These are shown as 5km apart so even their 12km seems a bit fanciful. You sure you are 15 miles from the exchange? You can check all these things out by sticking your postcode into this:

Though it's a bit iffy for country properties - I had to click away at different bits of road until it eventually came up with a value.

p.s. I think it only works for major roads - a problem if you are miles from a B road!

Also there will be a small delay for each device so you may see a 5ms delay for each of the 3 doofers so could be 15ms extra on your ping. Nothing compared to the 1/2 second round trip to geo-stationary orbit!
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Re: My Last Hope (for Broadband that is)

sorry its 15km to the exchange not miles just read their letter again ! lol

tried the postcode search thingy but it couldnt find my road never mind my house ! they are planning fitting 4 boxes, 1 at the exchange, 2 at intervals to my crib, and one at the house. it should all be fitted in the next two months or so, just gotta wait and see what happens !
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Re: My Last Hope (for Broadband that is)

OK. They must be able to string them together then. Good luck Para! Yer gonna need it!
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Re: My Last Hope (for Broadband that is)

Hmm... I think I know what they are offering you...

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Re: My Last Hope (for Broadband that is)

Hmmm, 2 megabit string. (Muddy nods sagely)
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Re: My Last Hope (for Broadband that is)

Got you covered Para

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Re: My Last Hope (for Broadband that is)

balls it dosent have BF3 on it ! lol
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Re: My Last Hope (for Broadband that is)

I read the ScotNet pdf and I reckon BET System is the solution I'd choose if I was in the internet wilderness. When the kit is reliable you should be fine, but you just have to recognise that you'll be on the end of 15km of copper in three segments with the signal passing through maybe four additional boxes (including each end) and you'll have an internet outage if *any* of those bits go wrong - I'm not sure you can blame BT for this and they're clearly giving you a deal on the installation cost - basically paid for by the city dwellers that BT makes a profit on.

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Re: My Last Hope (for Broadband that is)

i am reasonably hopefull its gonna work to get me back online again, i mean christ 10yrs ago i used to game on a 56k dialup with reasonable sucess 8O but tht satillite is just unbelivably bad and tempremental, even if i get 512Kb with the new setup it should work for gaming on as there aint many houses in my glen to rob my signal stength ! finger crossed ! :|
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Re: My Last Hope (for Broadband that is)

Para - remind me again - your office has broadband but the house hasn't correct? How far apart are they? Is it line of sight or very nearly? (i.e. trees) The point to point wifi kit has really come down in price now. There's this neat bit of kit here: ... ss-ptp-kit for £209+vat.

I'm looking into buying some of this to connect a separate building at work so can report back to you how easy it is to set up but by all accounts it's pish easy. It's just the line of sight that's the problem.
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Re: My Last Hope (for Broadband that is)

LoL Muddy !

thanks for that, but my office is at my workshop near Ballater which is 23 miles from my house ! :oops:

by the looks of it i should have my new broadband installed about the end of April ! aa) lets hope it works !
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