New card or crossfire ?

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New card or crossfire ?

Alright lads,

its about time my works pc had an upgrade but money is very tight, i am doing the usual CPU, Mobo & Ram but its the GPU thats causing me wallet ache ! now at the moment its running an ATI 5770 HD which is a good card for the money but my question is this,

Is it worth spending another £170+ on a new card like a 6950 ? or buying another 5770 for about £70 and setting it up in Crossfire with my existing card ?

What do you reckon ?
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Re: New card or crossfire ?

I'd wait a while personally and keep what you have. It should run most games well, and by the time BF3 comes around, the current crop of graphics cards may well be cheaper, and then consider an updrade.

If I HAD to upgrade now, I'd go crossfire. Bangs for bucks, it should cope admirably.
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Re: New card or crossfire ?

As you have a 5770, I'd probably go for one of the new 69xx cards.

CrossfireX is good most of the time(I have 2xHD5870), but the scaling isn't always that great, and you are relying on AMD/ATI producing crossfire profiles for applications.
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Re: New card or crossfire ?

I'd go with what Gavac said and wait for BF3, I wouldn't bother getting another HD5770 though.
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Re: New card or crossfire ?

Bare in mind BF3 is going to be DX10 and upwards
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Re: New card or crossfire ?

the 5770 is Dx11 so thats sorted, but i will bung in a new mobo, cpu & ram for now and see how much a difference that makes. the card will tide me over till BF3 but how it will handle that i dont know ? :|
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Re: New card or crossfire ?

It will manage just fine on most settings, on all accounts, but when the graphics card becomes the bottleneck in your system, then it is time to change. (Being a man ever conscious of cash outlay, and having a wife that is even more so when it comes to PC purchases :wink: )
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