Upgraders/New Builds beware-New tech on horizon

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Upgraders/New Builds beware-New tech on horizon

Intel will be launching a new line of processors late this/early next year. That along with the inevitable sales, will mean more choice, better products, but more importantly, a drop in prices in the current crop of CPUs from AMD and Intel.

If I were in your situation, I'd overclock like hell, and hang on for the bargains/get the new tech.

Opinion only, and you are always playing catch up in the land of the PC. You get the latest and greatest, and by the time you switch it on it's old hat. I still expect a drop in I7 prices etc, and AMD will follow suit shortly.
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Re: Upgraders/New Builds beware-New tech on horizon

Gavac intel bring out new CPU's every year , now I come to think of it so do AMD, NVIDIA in fact all the vendors do. Just buy what you can when you can , waiting for a price drop or the latest thing in IT is a fools game.
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Re: Upgraders/New Builds beware-New tech on horizon

Intel's plans are pretty well documented, they operate on a tick-tock system.
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Re: Upgraders/New Builds beware-New tech on horizon

All Intel processors are the same, ignore the marketing bolox I still runz a Pentium III Voodoo Grafix an I kicks ass in all teh latest warez gamez CSS 1.5 looks just as good as BF3 bolox all new gamez sux
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Re: Upgraders/New Builds beware-New tech on horizon

bambam wrote:All Intel processors are the same, ignore the marketing bolox I still runz a Pentium III Voodoo Grafix an I kicks ass in all teh latest warez gamez CSS 1.5 looks just as good as BF3 bolox all new gamez sux
Have you been attending spelling classes taught by Nemesis?
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Re: Upgraders/New Builds beware-New tech on horizon

ION says: Gavac intel bring out new CPU's every year , now I come to think of it so do AMD, NVIDIA in fact all the vendors do. Just buy what you can when you can , waiting for a price drop or the latest thing in IT is a fools game.
Gavac said: Opinion only, and you are always playing catch up in the land of the PC. You get the latest and greatest, and by the time you switch it on it's old hat. I still expect a drop in I7 prices etc, and AMD will follow suit shortly.
Er.. I think I answered that before you bud, but It is not a fools game! At this time of year, every hardware sales operation is aware of new demanding software products (BF3 etc) and Christmas around the corner, and are rubbing their hands at the thought of those who think like that ION. Every one is thinking of upgrading, and so the prices remain high! You wait a few months, stretch the legs of your current systems and you will save a lot of cash just for being patient. As for the current tech, that was to answer those who thought it was wise just to buy the latest kit, and to explain that there is always something new around the corner.

This is all opinion, as I stated clearly, but I have been building systems since the Intel 386DX, and the early days of MicroMart.
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Re: Upgraders/New Builds beware-New tech on horizon

Blimey you sound like a car salesman. ;)
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Re: Upgraders/New Builds beware-New tech on horizon

Hehe, I resemble that comment...

I'm also a tight Highlander :wink:
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Re: Upgraders/New Builds beware-New tech on horizon

Gavac220 wrote:I'm also a tight Highlander :
No need to boast luvvie.
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Re: Upgraders/New Builds beware-New tech on horizon

Hmmm, can i wait and save up for a new MB, Processor etc... I hate having a mortgage payment to make each month :cry:
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Re: Upgraders/New Builds beware-New tech on horizon

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