CS:GO menu buttons outside of screen area

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CS:GO menu buttons outside of screen area

Anyone come across this issue? The CS:GO user interface doesn't fit my screen properly, so the 'Accept' and 'Back' buttons on some of the setup screens are off the screen. Even if I set a screen resolution that is smaller than the one I actually have (I am 3600x1600, e.g. I can set 3072x1200 or something like that) and have CS:GO in a WINDOW exactly that size (i.e. I can't resize the window) the buttons are still off the screen.

So far I've used startup settings -w 3600 -h 1600 which at least launches the prog in the right resolution. But the buttons are half off the page.

Anyone heard of this at all? I can't find any mention on the interweb.
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Re: CS:GO menu buttons outside of screen area

You hacker Bambam, if that aint wall hacking I don't know what is! Not seen that one. Some sort of confusion between set resolution and what GO thinks is the resolution.
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Re: CS:GO menu buttons outside of screen area

I reckon it's a bug in CS:GO and it might be something to do with aspect ratio, as I can only choose 3:4, 16:10 or 16:9 and my screen isn't any of those. Even if I picked 'windowed' mode I only get offered a couple of resolutions (3600x1600, 3072x1200, 640x480)- WTF I don't know why I couldn't pick 1920x1024 or something like that. If I could find where to put the resolution in a cfg file that might help.
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Re: CS:GO menu buttons outside of screen area

have you tried the following mate i had a similar issue with BFBC2 and BF3.
find the Css GO .exe application file on you Hdd, right click it select properties/compatability then tick the box that says Dissable scaling on high Dpi resolutions & hit apply.

worth a try if it dont work just un tick the box again
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Re: CS:GO menu buttons outside of screen area

Hey Para that is a genius suggestion and I had to do that once before (years ago though)... I'll give it a shot tonight.
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Re: CS:GO menu buttons outside of screen area

Yeah mate its the only way i can get BC2 & BF3 resolutions to run on this machine at 1920 x 1080p or my old rig running at 2560 x 1600 by using the above trick, or like you said everythings out of sync. never had this issue with any other games, give it a shot its a simple fix to start with without having to start pissin about with config files.
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Re: CS:GO menu buttons outside of screen area

this machine at 1920 x 1080p or my old rig running at 2560 x 1600
WTF you had to sell the 2560x1600 monitor? Couldn't you have sold your body first?
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Re: CS:GO menu buttons outside of screen area

LoL no fear mate, i have had a HP3065 30" monitor for about 8yrs now one of the best things i have ever bought i will never part with it as it cost a chuffin fortune, it now resides on my office pc as my gaming rig is hooked up to my TV at home hence the 1920 x 1080 res.

did the fix work mate ?
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Re: CS:GO menu buttons outside of screen area

Para wrote:did the fix work mate ?
.... nope.

The game is playable (I think I'm just losing a bit of the top and bottom of the screen) but the menus are a bit fuxed. Illustration using a 'crop' of a screenshot from the interweb (my resolution is 3600x1600):


My problem can be simulated by taking a 16:9 screenshot of the menu and cropping it to my actual aspect ratio of 16:7.

I'll do an AMD driver update (I rolled back to 21.1 ages ago and have stayed there as it's stable in BF3 so why change it) - maybe that'll fix it. But in the meantime CS:GO is playable so I'm ok...
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Re: CS:GO menu buttons outside of screen area

Hmmm Bugger, sorry i cant think of anything else mate :oops:
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Re: CS:GO menu buttons outside of screen area

Simple. Buy a bigger screen.
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Re: CS:GO menu buttons outside of screen area

bambam wrote:
Para wrote:did the fix work mate ?
I'll do an AMD driver update (I rolled back to 21.1 ages ago and have stayed there as it's stable in BF3 so why change it) - maybe that'll fix it. But in the meantime CS:GO is playable so I'm ok...
LOL after updating to AMD 12.8 drivers my PC wouldn't even boot into Windows... so 2 hours worth of safe mode and rolling back to 12.1, and I'm back where I was, with a cropped screen but playable CS:GO.

Anyhoo I logged onto Steam at 11:45pm last Friday and there was no OFc CS:GO fragging to be had anyway...
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Re: CS:GO menu buttons outside of screen area

I tried CS go for a lil while on friday and I think I had the same issue dint even bother trying to fix it cos I could careless about CS go it was terrible no mater what I done to the mouse sensitivity the aiming was never smooth
And just think they should have updated it do u could actually aim down the sites of all the guns not just sniper rifles

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Re: CS:GO menu buttons outside of screen area

Also I tryed out tf2 again also had probs with things not fitting on the screen a lil

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