well bf3 has been crashing my pc and just found out why my case fan has packed in just replaced it with one from another pc and well its the nosiest fucking thing ever
i knew the fan wasnt the greatest but dam its noisey
so now i have a delema do i take another fan out of the other case or go move all my components from this case to the alienware case that is frankly a better case but a lot of work and would prob mean im afk for a while it is something iv been thinking of doing for a while but have never done anything like it b4 mite ask my neubour he build pc's for people how much to swap them over
Also the wife has a bootleg copy of photoshop on the Alienware and she needs it so she ain't to happy the key gen she got with it Dosent work anymore so dose anyone know where I can get a torrent or something for photoshop to put on my laptop to keep here happy