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Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 7:20 pm
by ^Stueh
lego.. id strongly advise a clean install if you cant. That way you get rid of all the corporate crap and just have the os which is ALOT quicker. I done a clean install and was amazed how much difference it can make.

Im loving this... should be getting a new laptop for work this week (yeay go dell for getting it to me within a week haha) and ill upgrade that to x64 win7 :)

Loving it...


Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 10:54 pm
by Legato
mines x32... that a prob?

i heard it was with vista, but mines x32 atm and ive not had a problem so far


Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 3:10 pm
by Redddraggon
Right the question is should I upgrade my Desktop to Win7 x64 Professional too?

Upgraded my laptop to it from Vista x32 HP and noticed a massive improvement. My Desktop seems to run fine so would it be worth while to splash out another £30 to get it for Desktop :?:

Does anyone have any performance benchmarks going from 64bit Vista to 64bit Win7?


Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 4:02 pm
by shutteh

i can show u a benchmark, but its only in german :( ... erformance
just watch out for the diagramms. U see there is no really different between vista and win7. In the text they say that win 7 feels faster in the handling.


Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 4:23 pm
by Redddraggon
shutteh wrote:Hi,

i can show u a benchmark, but its only in german :( ... erformance
just watch out for the diagramms. U see there is no really different between vista and win7. In the text they say that win 7 feels faster in the handling.
Good work Shutty, I might save Win7 for my next build then.


Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 5:50 pm
by Thundercat
Yay just finished my upgrade to Windows 7.... was a bit of a treak

I got it via the digital download as a student "ahum" Im staff.
Tried to install over XP, sorry this is 64bit cant install over 32bit OS.
Made a bootable DVD of it. Decided I wanted to keep XP after all, so bout two more HDs and installed them
Now tried to boot from DVD and install Win7 to one of the new HDs.
Get as far as the windows flashy logo and it stalls.

Try all of the following......

Check memory.... check diffrent configs of memory.
Make sure the DVD is set to master.
Check all three SATA drives are formatted and sectors OK etc
make a bootable flash stick and try install from that.
flash bios - causes problems with memory as a slear CMOS is required so still at 2gig of ram :(

Yay it installs.

I know have windows xp and windows 7 installed and all seems to be working grand.... I like windows 7 but not used it much, slowly migrating to it.

Love the way you can make the desktop images change like a slide show and wtf are gadgets?


Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 10:32 pm
by ^Stueh
Here are two links that will help people with windows 7 in various places. The guy that runs the blog is a guy from the STO (Server tools & online or something) team in MSFT. ... ToVHD.aspx ... skbar.aspx


Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 1:33 pm
by MacaDeath
Hello Chaps

thought Id get my two pence worth in here!
not sure if this is already on here, I had a quick look and a search but didnt see it!! if it is please let me know and I'll remove the post!

Have been using Win7 since early RC and have loved it all the way. However there is one thing you MUST do before anything else when installing win7 (and vista) and thats open the 'Super Secret Administrator' account. And no its not the normal admin account that you setup when first setting up windows!!
Vista and now win7 have two types of admin account.

Type 1: User Admin account, this account is the normal admin account that you setup when starting windows for the first time and any additional admin accounts you setup form then on. This account is still subject to User Account Control (that really iritating pop up thing). This account does not have FULL admin rights on the pc, for some stuff you still need to right click and 'run as administrator' to have the full effect and even then you are subject to UAC.

Type 2: Super Secret Admin account, this account is a full system admin account HIDDEN inside vista and win7 that microsoft dont want you to know about. This account is NOT subject to User Account Control and therefore no iritating pop ups everytime you breath on windows.

To activate the Super Secret Admin account you need to follow these simple steps:

1: open start menu and type 'cmd' in the search bar
2: right click on the 'cmd.exe' that apears and click on 'run as administrator'
3: you sould be greated with the comand promt window with the last line reading 'C:\Windows\System32>' (64bit users might get system64)
4: type this in exactly (with spaces and caps as shown):
Net user administrator /active:yes
5: press 'enter' and you should be greate with the line 'The command completed successfully'

Now when you start up windows the new super secret admin account will be visible and usable in the welcome screen. i strongly recormend setting this up as your main account and copying all your data from your old admin account into it then you can delete the old one.
And there you have it no more User Account Control!

I hope this is helpfull to you guys!!



Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 2:30 pm
by Gavac220
Cheers Maca!

How do you copy all the prior admin account settings/data, and where are they found. This is incredibly helpful info, so a short idiots guide would be greatly appreciated, and beneficial to OFc members :D


Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 3:58 pm
by MacaDeath
Gavac220 wrote:Cheers Maca!

How do you copy all the prior admin account settings/data, and where are they found. This is incredibly helpful info, so a short idiots guide would be greatly appreciated, and beneficial to OFc members :D
Oh Gavac you sod...
This is extreamly hard as windows hides its user settings all over the place. how ever 90% of it can be found here:
where Username is the name of the acount (e.t.c. john)
The main settings are found in a hidden folder called 'AppData' within this localtion.
however there are some programs that will over right these settings when you start them for the first time so be warned!! one exilent example is outlook.
I strongly reccormend that you dont try and copy a user account but start from scratch!!!!!!!!
add this into your next rebuild (which should be done every year or 6 months for heavy users).

In vista and xp there was a copy user account option but this has been removed for all admin accounts in windows 7.
done as such:

but as I have said before this is a great opatunity to start from scratch and remove that crap you have gathered from installing and deleting files.
sorry its not what you wanted to hear Gavac.



Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 4:24 pm
by MudShark
Errr, sorry to piss on your parade but isn't this going to break what use AUC had in the first place. The one thing it was supposed to do (badly) was to prevent processes gaining control of your machine because an AUC popup would appear and you should think to yourself - "eh! what's this about, I'm not running anything" and you would refuse it. If you now use this super admin account (typical M$ for including one) then all of M$s hard work (wry grin) is for naught.

I think M$s solution here is terrible but you should never the less be aware you are removing the last bit of protection offered by AUC by doing this.


Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 2:00 pm
by groinshot
I just stopped the service...... IT's grand but its bloody annoying, although much better in win7 than in vista. In 7 it doesnt take over your whole computer, you can ginore it until your finished whatever your doign but in vista every time it popped up you had to click it straight away.

Ajd glad to see the gadget bar is gone


Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2010 10:32 am
by MacaDeath
MudShark wrote:Errr, sorry to piss on your parade but isn't this going to break what use AUC had in the first place. The one thing it was supposed to do (badly) was to prevent processes gaining control of your machine because an AUC popup would appear and you should think to yourself - "eh! what's this about, I'm not running anything" and you would refuse it. If you now use this super admin account (typical M$ for including one) then all of M$s hard work (wry grin) is for naught.

I think M$s solution here is terrible but you should never the less be aware you are removing the last bit of protection offered by AUC by doing this.
Its a valid point man! and something to be considered!
All I know is I have been running the Super Admin Account for four years (vista and win7) and have never had a issue. but I do run a full antivirus and a external firewall as well as windows firewall!!



Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 5:10 pm
by IXL
I think it also depends on which edition you have of Vista/W7, as both Vista Business and W7 Professional, dont have the annoying pop up issue. Not that ive seen anyway. Perhaps this is just for those using the basic/home editions etc?


Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 12:17 am
by Schlack
that "feature" is beginning to piss me off, epecially as im install a lot of sh*te tonight.