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Re: L4D ping vs CS:S ping

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 7:00 pm
by Stueh
snoopy wrote: File 'downloads/b38f30aa.dat' requested from server
Try deleting the downloads folder and removing anything thats not the cfg and maps folder. (cut and paste to a different location will do).

I get the horrible error stuff coming up too, its a map design fault not your game ;)

and as a temporary note: type

cl_downloadfilter nosounds

into the console before you enter the server. We will get this sorted :)

edit: This is only to save you re-downloading the sounds which you can do if you wish. To revert cl_downloadfilter none :)

Re: L4D ping vs CS:S ping

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 7:03 pm
by Pingu
I'll leave the technical answers to others but i will share my experience even though it was a simple one to sort out.

I had a similar problem a few weeks ago with my ping going sky high everytime a new map started. Mine was because i was downloading a demo through steam. Even though it was set to pause the download it still messed up my connection. When i minimised back to windows at the start of a new map it said "download stopping" rather than "paused". I had to either delete all downloads or just let them complete, now everything is fine, except i havent got the time to play!!!

Re: L4D ping vs CS:S ping

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 7:05 pm
by Stueh
Pingu wrote:I'll leave the technical answers to others but i will share my experience even though it was a simple one to sort out.

I had a similar problem a few weeks ago with my ping going sky high everytime a new map started. Mine was because i was downloading a demo through steam. Even though it was set to pause the download it still messed up my connection. When i minimised back to windows at the start of a new map it said "download stopping" rather than "paused". I had to either delete all downloads or just let them complete, now everything is fine, except i havent got the time to play!!!
Forgot about that... good point. Happened when download Vegas 2. Saying that, my ping was max 200 not 300-400 lol!

To stop happening, start and pause the download and restart steam. (Usually works)

Re: L4D ping vs CS:S ping

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 7:09 pm
by snoopy
thanks pingu, that happened to me a month ago as well, but im not downloading anything at the moment.

I.X.L: only have one connection as far as im aware. the laptop is sometimes used, but not often.

same figures really(on create server)

jolteh: not sure what i can and cant delete to be honest- dont want to mess it up. should i just re-instal everything, and wipe the hard drive?

Re: L4D ping vs CS:S ping

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 7:26 pm
by IXL
snoopy wrote:I.X.L: only have one connection as far as im aware. the laptop is sometimes used, but not often.

same figures really(on create server)
Same figures? So your getting lag when your NOT actually ON the server? ( Ie any online server )

Re: L4D ping vs CS:S ping

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 7:28 pm
by snoopy
no sorry, i mis understood you.

i dont have any ping, because its a server within my pc.

Re: L4D ping vs CS:S ping

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 7:31 pm
by IXL
Thats what got me worried... lol So what are the net graph details on your own pc game?

I would be inclinded to delete ( rename ) your current config for cs and create a new one from scratch.

Or I can PM you mine.

Re: L4D ping vs CS:S ping

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 7:43 pm
by snoopy

this is what i got, i also looked on console and saw this:

execing skill1.cfg
Executing listen server config file
Incorrect price blob version! Update your server!
ERROR: mp_dynamicpricing set to 1 but couldn't download the price list!
Section [Scenes]: 0 resources total 0 bytes, 0.00 % of limit (2.10 MB)
The nav mesh needs a full nav_analyze
32 player server started
couldn't exec listenserver.cfg

Re: L4D ping vs CS:S ping

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 7:45 pm
by IXL
Perfect. That iliminates any game file issues or integrity conflicts. ( sort of anyway)

When was the last time you rebooted your router?

Re: L4D ping vs CS:S ping

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 7:47 pm
by snoopy
think it was last week. i use wired for my pc and wireless for the laptop and wii. i have security in place, as part of the router- WPA key i think. will reboot now if you want

Re: L4D ping vs CS:S ping

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 7:53 pm
by Stueh
inside of counter strike source -> cstrike

delete/move everything thats not the maps folder. Css will automatically rebuild it.

Re: L4D ping vs CS:S ping

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 8:57 pm
by snoopy
done, but no good.

got onto map and looked on console

Initializing renderer...
Warning: using WorldTwoTextureBlend on a non-displacement surface.
Support for this will go away soon.
- Material : de_train/blendgraveldirt001a
- Surface center : 1993 -1632 -16
Warning: using WorldTwoTextureBlend on a non-displacement surface (material: de_train/blendgraveldirt001a). Support for this will go away soon.
[OFc] snoopy connected

i get that with several maps

Re: L4D ping vs CS:S ping

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 9:01 pm
by IXL
That seems ok.

Obviously you have tested for spyware ect?

I did witness your ping on militia, but dont think its map related. Is X-Fire running when your on CS? Its not that is it, downloading updates for other games?

Re: L4D ping vs CS:S ping

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 3:13 pm
by recruit
Its a bit strange routing is not port specific and your pings fine on another server running on the same box. You could put in place an ip static route in place to the box but I dont see it making sthe slightest difference as your pings ok on another game.

I dont know enough about counterstrike game files etc to help out I'm afraid.

Re: L4D ping vs CS:S ping

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 5:46 pm
by snoopy
i have x-fire running, but alway have and used to work fine. as bullet said we did a load of stuff and worked one 1 map, then played up again, but i dont have this problem on l4d.

im going to see if it happens on tf2, but have completly re-installed steam, and cs:s etc from scratch. on the weekend(when my missus backs up what she wants) im going to wipe the hard drive and start again, see if that helps. i'll post when i try tf2

thanks for your help guys, it is much appreciated