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Re: [TGUK] Highwaywarrior

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 12:47 pm
by Dannyf
The vast majority of what I've said has been just my personal opinion and I've tried to make that clear throughout. I am not a spokesperson for OFc. I was the admin who banned you, so I appropriately replied. (Keep in mind that it's the weekend, many people are very busy and might not have even read this thread yet.)

Most of what I mentioned was one or two members and personality differences. This does not cover every OFc member. To the best of my knowledge and understanding many members did get on well with you and there is no questioning how much time and effort you put into OFc. I don't want you to think that you have no friends here. Again, my personal comments do not necessarily reflect those of any other member (although maybe CrAp does!).

But I agree with you, I don't think there is much more to discuss. Hopefully my points have not tarnished your view of any other OFc member.


Re: [TGUK] Highwaywarrior

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 1:17 pm
by TGUK Highwaywarrior
Wow, CrAp. You go from "he's my friend" to that post in one thread?

I've no desire to control anyone or anything. I came here to find out why I'd been banned and the other issue I mentioned. I haven't asked for my ban to be removed or told anyone to remove it. I don't see how you think I'm trying to be controlling. Mirthy may well be a member - he gave his opinion and I gave him mine in return.

Clearly, a lot has changed here and I realise now that OFc isn't what I thought it was. I'm clearly not welcome and I take the point. So this is my last post and the last any of you will see of me here.

I wish you all the best everyone.

Good bye.


Re: [TGUK] Highwaywarrior

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 1:35 pm
by Mirthy
Don't you know who I am????


Take care HW, good luck with TGUK. I have played on your clans server occasionally and will try to pop on personally to (hopefully) show no hard feelings on either side.

Glad we've all come to the same conclusion even if there were several different paths to get there.


Re: [TGUK] Highwaywarrior

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 2:38 pm
by MegaYoda
I agree with Danny that I doubt very much that a member of OFC would exact revenge on you by using your email address in some sort of malicious way. The OFC forum has been a place of open discussion since you left and all members have their right to voice their opinions here. Mirthy may not know you but that does not mean to say that he has no right to voice his opinion on what he has read on this forum. If we were so petty and immature as you suggest, then we would not have granted you access to this forum. We gain nothing by letting you in our forum and risk a lot by you causing trouble like you are doing now by accusing OFC memebrs of acting immature and spiteful towards you. The manner in which you left OFC was of your own doing along with IXL. You guys made the decision to leave and nobody forced you out. We respected your decision to leave and start your own clan. As far as I know, no one from OFC has ever tried to exact any kind of revenge on you or your clan.

I originally was willing to forget about the past and had hoped that you had changed but judging by your comments here I see that you still get off by trying to assert your so called authority over other people by verbally attacking Mirthy and Danny. I support Danny 100% in banning you for being a "Dick" and yes I am immature because at my age I am still playing video games just like you!! If you want to be sensible and hold total power then I suggest you go into politics and live in a communist country

Re: [TGUK] Highwaywarrior

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 10:12 pm
by ionwg
Rollover Bf4 I've missed this :)

Oh and really enjoyed Friday evening and I intend to make the time to play with my immature clan mates more often.

Love ion.

Re: [TGUK] Highwaywarrior

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2015 3:54 pm
by Quazerk
Damn I was playing while all this kicked off and I still missed it all ( curse my silent mic and low sound ), but I agree OFc now has more of a relaxing play and enjoy yourself feel to it without the fact that if you were too slow in the game you would of got verbally abused and slayed for it, as for maturity goes who needs it when you have common sense , but I do agree with Danny's decision's if there was recruiting on our server it is a def no no.As for the sending of spam, I can't imagine why any one would want to do that or be bothered to , as there is much more idiotic things that could be done.

Re: [TGUK] Highwaywarrior

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2015 4:21 pm
by Sayril
Thought I'd also pop in and give my opinion. I have nothing against HW or TGUK, when I joined OFc it was the old OFc and HW was still a member, I'd only been a member for a short time before he left so I didnt have anytime to know or understand what had happend, I still do not.
Now it's the new OFc and has been for sometime, a place where everyone can speak their mind, and everyone is heard equally. It still has the values of the old, which i so fell in love with. It's no more or less mature, you've just forgot.

I read through the posts and it looks like you deserved it, so the ban hammer has spoken and I respect it.

OFc forever!


Re: [TGUK] Highwaywarrior

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 2:17 pm
by JazzyJay
Has he blamed me for all of this?


Re: [TGUK] Highwaywarrior

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2015 1:55 am
by Christa
oh, no :)

Re: [TGUK] Highwaywarrior

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2021 3:39 pm
by CaNNoN
lets delete the Bans list for a laugh