
For reporting problem players in the servers and appealing if you've been banned unfairly

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For rank stupidity and insensitivity as well as ignoring a previous warning about his conduct on the forum.
Political Correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end.
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Despite this matey..

will miss him a bit.

as long as im allowed to put my opinion across.. feel free to edit this post however.
I think he has been a good regular to the forums for a long time and most often provided humour or good points to discussion. I feel the incredible onrush to his recent posts, which while silly, have maybe been a tiny bit overreacted to.

While this is only a simple members opinion.. im sure your decision is the right one Highway.
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He was a stupid fucking cunt who got what he deserved.
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You say that to EVERYONE who gets banned.

You always seem the need to find something wrong with everything dude :evil: take a step back and look at it both ways would ya?

In some ways i agree with you Gus but on the subject of this moron... He got what was coming to him. Totally disrespectfull and inappopriate posts. Not wise for a newbie to both the server and forums.
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Tanera has been around for yonks.
Life is a Terminal Disease


hes been around as long as i have which is 2years or more.
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YOUR more of a newbie than him! haha

this is partly what i mean.. he has been around for an age.. and in this time has made a lot of good contributions in terms of the forum.

despite this one disrespectful and rude act another chance may be warranted? I have never seen him do anything like this before?
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Whilst I admire your loyalty and your courage for sticking up for him and whilst I understand the sentiment behind your posts I would like to take this opportunity to clarify a couple of things.

A person's long-standing in the clan, forum or server will not act as a "get out of jail free" card for them if they cross the line of acceptability.

The reason this all came about was because I was making an appeal to everyone for some respect. It was a thread that I believed was essential to stem the tide of seemingly inappropriate messages being posted on the forum. Certain individuals appeared to be suffering as a result and I couldn't stand by and watch things descend into anarchy.

The issue with Topcat was not a place for outsiders to discuss it yet Tanera and Toymaster both entered the discussion and despite my appeal to them to behave with a bit of respect with a warning that such transgressions in the future would result in them being banned from the forum they decided to carry on in the next thread that went up posted by McClane about respect.

I invested a lot of my time and effort behind the scenes trying to resolve issues amongst certain individuals whilst trying to keep a lid on the stuff being posted on the forum. I even became the subject for disrespect in one of the threads that Myth got to before I did. Having seen Tanera and Toymaster pissing all over the place a second time on a very important issue it was essential that it was stopped and hence both were banned.

There's no point in giving out warnings if you're not prepared to follow them up with action if the warnings go unheeded.

Political Correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end.

MudShark wrote:Tanera has been around for yonks.
Shit my bad, I thought this was in the toymaster thread :oops:

Well said Highway.
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