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GPU temperature

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 4:12 pm
by Dannyf
My computer crashes when my graphics card (8800GT) overheats at a temperature of around 60 degrees. As far as I know, it is safe to run the card at higher temperature than that but I am unable to find why this limit has been set.

Had a look around RivaTuner this morning and I think I may have found it, although it is in the "Power user" tab.

Basically, I'm just wondering is it safe for me to change this value to something more reasonable like 70-75?


Or is this value got to do with something else?

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 7:05 pm
by Mseries3
My 7900GS runs about 80 i think.. So they it should be fine.

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 11:00 am
by smithster
it may have just been set in your bios settings for safety resaons.

i havent used that river tune but you could get the Nvidia ntune i think its called which will give you the same info and you can cgange things in there. might make it a bit clearer also seeming as its nvidia same as ur gfx card.

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 11:04 am
by JohnMcClane
Yeah I know in the Bios there is a "safe opperating temperature" and a shutdown for when it gets too hot, I think I had mine at 75 but never got that hot...

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 11:25 am
by Mad_Skier
The last couple of graphics cards I've owned have usually hit 60 degrees under heavy load and they've been fine. My old 6600GT used to get up to 70 and that was ok too. Have you overclocked the card? It may be that it can't take the combination of temperature and increased clock speeds.

As for the RivaTuner window you've posted, the entry you've highlighted says 'MaxRatio'. The value seems too low for it to be an actual temperature and the name suggets the same - that it's a ratio of some sort and not a temperature. Find out what it means before you change it :)

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 11:32 am
by Thundercat
Maybe a silly question but the fan is working OK on ya card and ya cleaned it etc (air duster).
At work at the mo but will look at my 8800 and see what temp it runs at when home.

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 6:09 pm
by MudShark
My 8800GT was getting too hot, prob going above 70C, I noticed this because performance was suddenly ramped back very obviously. So I assume it was something similar kicking in. Got an after market cooler and a new case, now it sits at 51 most of the time and climbs to 54 under load.

Case: ... s&id=15900

p.s. Riva tuner shows exactly same value of 64 for mine too so I don't think this is temperature.

p.p.s. Right click on the field and click help and it says this:
"This value contains scaling ratio (measured in percents) for the top limit in monitoring graph window."

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 7:53 pm
by Dannyf
Cool cheers for all the help lads..

Have uninstalled rivatuner now because it was annoying me too much anyway so if I still have problems with the gpu crashing I'll have a look in the BIOS as well.

Once I get my tax-back sorted though, I will be buying that cooler Muddy, for the money its going for I might as well!

Thanks again!

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 10:45 pm
by Thundercat
8800 gtx

Idle runs at 66c
CS:S 74c

Hope that helps ya some.

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 10:51 pm
by MudShark
A warning about that cooler though, it made my card as thick as 3 slots. It's a monster with the cooler attached. You need 2 free slots below your PCI-e slot to make it fit.

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 12:12 am
by Dannyf
Yea I heard about that, checked out the dimensions and I've loads of room. Only thing I have below my graphics card is my wireless card, and if push comes to shove I don't really need to use the wireless, I can whip out my cable instead!.

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 11:48 pm
by Dannyf
Right, I'm still getting the crashes even though I've uninstalled Rivatuner.

Looked through my BIOS and there is nowhere where a safe-limit has been set.

Haven't had much luck with ntune, it won't let me change much unless I want to overclock my card, which I don't! So unless I'm missing something in the menues, I'm out of ideas!

My new fans are coming soon so hopefully it won't be a problem but its still pissing me off!

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 12:02 am
by Exibit
Are you sure it the Gpu causing the crash, could be the Cpu cooler ???

If not maybe you have to much hot air in the case, improve the cooling in the case add a couple of these
case fans not cheap though they are very good at removing hot air and also are silent - I am running 2 of these

Noctua Fans
The NF-S12 is the first fan employing a novel rotor which was developed by the Austrian Institute for Heat-Transmission and Fan Technology. Thanks to the special optimisation of the blade geometry towards ultra low noise application, the NF-S12 is up to 10% more quiet than current high-end fans at the same flow rate. The NF-S12 series are equipped with a magnetically centred, self lubricating oil-pressure bearing that provides a new level of quietness and long-term stability.

- 12v performance - 1200RPM, 17dBA, 48CFM
- 7.5v performance - 600RPM, <6dBA, 24CFM
- 3 and 4 pin power connectors
- Ultra-Low-Noise Adaptor (U.L.N.A.) included

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 1:06 pm
by smithster
i got a Noctua cpu cooler,


dont be fooled by the pic, this thing is fekking huge!!

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 1:23 pm
by bambam
danny before you do anything you want to confirm the temperature your 8800GT is running at. Nvidia Monitor (included with nTune) looks like this:


I'll check my 8800GT and let you know what temp it runs at...
