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"renegade" ban

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 5:08 pm
by Scorp
Hey i'd like to request an unban as i dont wallhack.

Pm'd Fishy about my request.


Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 5:12 pm
by Redddraggon
I don't like your chances.....
OFc-Fishy wrote:Two independant SAs reviewed demos and also believe this guy was wallhacking.

Permanent Ban
You're ban was confirmed by the guys you are appealing to.....

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 5:19 pm
by Milkybar
I can vouch for this guy.

Dunno if any of you remember me, been banned several times from your server, im unbanned now, and show my face every once in a while ;)

I have lanned and clanned with scorp for over 2 years now, and i can say, he isnt a hacker in anyway. He's a great guy and a bit of a rager but that is it.

Cannon can vouch for him on this aswell.

I have said this many times, and im probably going to get flamed for this.... but...OFc seem to have a reputation of banning innocent players. Just seems like if some1 on your server top frags, and doesn't wear an OFc tag or is a regular player, they're banned for hacking....

Perhaps he has a good headset that allows him to hear where his enemies are, maybe he concentrates....or maybe, just maybe he has good gamesense?

Seems like the Admins are up to their old tricks banning players better then themselves.

/Rant over.


Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 7:30 pm
by Milkybar
Hi Highway, knew i could count on you to reply.

Firstly: yes, i have been banned from your server several times...but i have also been unbanned on ALL occasions. And I am still able to play on your server to this day. Probably not anymore, seeing as my post is going to have an affect on how the admins look at me.

Secondly: Yes, i am impartial.....i hate hackers as much as the next person, but i know he doesnt hack. i know its my word against yours, so you wont believe me i understand that.

Name dropping as well... getting desperate now and clearly out of evidence...
Not at all, i just know cannon has been in this clan, gets on well with you all, and knows scorp well enough to tell you he doesn't hack. Thought you might believe him more....guess not.

so thats why you are so desperate to keep playing here
We happen to like the community, the servers and the admins, despite the bans.
Now either your friend has fekked around with his grafix settings so that he is able to see through smoke or he uses a wall hack. In either event he is cheating.
Perhaps he saw the enemy on radar due to a team mate spotting him from a different POV? Then he shoots in the general direction and gets the kill?


Smoke isn't always thick, many times there is a chance that you will spot someone's feet running through smoke as it doesn't always connect with the ground, leaving a certain ammount of the persons lower body visible. Its just a case of follow the feet and shoot at the correct height.

Specculating here.
Now lets look at the shots he fired at an opponent that he couldn't possibly have seen through a wall but was shooting THROUGH the wall at him anyhow.
Lets look at the other side of the story shall we? ever thought that a team mate may have seen said opponent, and it appeared on radar? Thus, letting scorp know where the enemy was...causing him to prefrie?
Again, I'm specculating as i haven't seen the you not think this could be possible?
And then finally shooting a guy in the head with one bullet who was inside a building who he managed to nail as soon as he poked his head in through the door way to that building.
This one made me laugh the most. Maybe he has good reflexes? I mean, being in a clan that plays alot of 5on5 matches does this to a person. Improves their aim, reflexes and reaction shots. Could this be what you saw?
I have to ask the question - where were you when this was going on? What evidence do you have to support your friend?
I wasn't there at the time, but, as i said, i know that scorp doesn't hack.
I'm only posting here in the defence of my friend as i know that the majority of the admins on that server are a bit hasty with the "ban" button in my opinion.


Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 7:46 pm
by Scorp
Lol well glad to know ofc have an open mind on people and the fact that i use radar and sounds to my aid.

I think the term is "spray and pray" when there's smoke around.

I don't care if u unban me or not nemore.

I wanted the unban as i enjoyed the server, it's efficiency, i enjoyed the players on it and the banter that was going on. No1 was moaning about reg or the maps. Thought i had found a grown up server for a change.

I must've bin wrong.

Thanks for the post's and taking the time to read the thread etc.


Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 8:04 pm
by snoopy
Highwaywarrior wrote:I was one of the SA's that viewed the demo taken of your friend. I viewed this demo with the wireframe overlay on it.
i haven't seen the demo as u haven't, but looking through a wireframe overlay is pretty conclusive, done it myself when review evidence for bannings in my old clan.
on that basis, wireframe overlay will show impossible shots not even the best players in the world(playing withoout hax)could make.

you say your friend is innocent, but you weren't playing?

even my mates have used hax before(i never would-wouldn't know how to put them on) and they have said they wouldn't, so pretty much anyone can be tempted.

and in response of ur claim that anyone has a better score than ofc members get banned, im still here and playing- on my first time to the server i knew 1 person, a non-ofc member, scored higher than everyone on it, including SA's, Admins and regulars and never got banned myself for having a higher score.

paranoia seems to be setting in with you if u think that.

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 9:13 pm
Scorp wrote:Lol well glad to know ofc have an open mind on people and the fact that i use radar and sounds to my aid.

I think the term is "spray and pray" when there's smoke around.

I don't care if u unban me or not nemore.

I wanted the unban as i enjoyed the server, it's efficiency, i enjoyed the players on it and the banter that was going on. No1 was moaning about reg or the maps. Thought i had found a grown up server for a change.

I must've bin wrong.

Thanks for the post's and taking the time to read the thread etc.

We must be doing something wrong then, our servers are always full, people are working together and people having a laugh! DEAR GOD help us what are we doing wrong?

Grown up server for a change? Reason why you found it so good as us admins keep you lot out, dont let the door hit ya on the way out! Hackers Beware!

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 9:25 pm
by DeathPony

The whole point of the sorted section is that the person banned can appeal their bans, explain it from their point of view to the SA's and the admins involved in the bannings, as well as the people who were there at the time.

This part of the forum is not some sort of x-factor competition where you can vote for your friends and try and overturn the SA's decision. It doesnt matter how many times you've played with the fellow, the decision has been made from the footage that has been captured.

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 9:28 pm
by Milkybar
Guys, i didnt mean for this to turn into a slagging match, and i didnt expect that sort of reply from scorp. I was just jumping to a mates defence, im sure u can understand that.

I am talking from personal experience when i say people getting banned for having high scores. I admit, maybe i was hasty to jump to my mates defence in such a way as i havent been on the server for a couple of months at least.
Apologies on that.

And bullet i asssure you, no matter how much of a mate scorp is to me, he will not be using my account.

Sorry for this turning into a slagging match. Apologies on my part for such abrupt post(s).

I respect your decision regarding Scorp's ban. You'll hear no more from me.
