Odd Problem

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Odd Problem

Ok odd one here,

my internet has started (since saturday) to play up.

I'll be connected like i am now, for a bit, but as soon as i go afk or something, it'll sorta like hang, webpages won't load, and I'll have to reset my LAN connection via network connections, to effectivly use the internet again.

Odd thing is, my xbox360, which is on Live stays connected all the time, even when my pc's internet is playing up, so it cant be my ISP or Router.

Ive ran 3 Virus scanners, 2 found different things, which i quarantined and destroyed, ive tried a system restore and now my system would appear to be clean after another scan..

any ideas?
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Re: Odd Problem

This program is quite good at finding nasties that antivirus often miss.
Just download the free trial.
Illegitimi non carborundum

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Re: Odd Problem

thats one of the 3 i used :) great program, used it when u suggested it a while ago :) unfortunalty it found my pc to be clean
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Re: Odd Problem

are you 100% sure this isn't conficker? It does go spastic trying to update itself via the web. To get it via the network you'd have to be unpatched since Oct last year but now it's passable via USB keys.


Failing that, try leaving "ping -t direct.gov.uk" in a command prompt window and see what happens to your raw ping when the problem occurs.

You could also have a command window pinging your router to see if the problem is local to your lan.

Also when it craps out try the tracert command (e.g. to direct.gov.uk) - here's mine via BT Broadband:

Code: Select all

C:\Documents and Settings\Bambam>tracert direct.gov.uk

Tracing route to xansa2.lbwa.verio.net []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

  1     1 ms     1 ms     3 ms
  2    12 ms    11 ms    10 ms  esr1.miltonkeynes3.broadband.bt.net []
  3    13 ms    10 ms     *
  4    12 ms    11 ms    10 ms
  5     *       13 ms    12 ms
  6    14 ms    11 ms    11 ms
  7    12 ms    12 ms    10 ms
  8    11 ms    15 ms    10 ms
  9    12 ms    11 ms    10 ms  core1-pos4-0.bletchley.ukcore.bt.net []
 10    14 ms    12 ms    12 ms  core3-pos0-0-0-3.ealing.ukcore.bt.net []
 11     *       47 ms    12 ms  transit1-gig7-0-0.ealing.ukcore.bt.net []
 12    14 ms    11 ms    12 ms  t2c1-ge14-0-0.uk-eal.eu.bt.net []
 13    15 ms    12 ms    12 ms  t2c2-p3-2.uk-lon1.eu.bt.net []
 14    13 ms    31 ms    12 ms  t2a1-ge7-0-0.uk-lon1.eu.bt.net []
 15    41 ms    12 ms    12 ms  ge-0.linx.londen03.uk.bb.gin.ntt.net []
 16     *       75 ms    14 ms  ae-0.r23.londen03.uk.bb.gin.ntt.net []
 17    29 ms    21 ms    21 ms  p64-5-0-0.r20.parsfr01.fr.bb.gin.ntt.net []
 18    68 ms   225 ms   306 ms  xe-3-1.r02.parsfr01.fr.bb.gin.ntt.net []
 19    44 ms    20 ms    20 ms  parserviron01-vip-xansa2.eu.verio.net []
 20    21 ms    20 ms    20 ms  parserviron01-vip-xansa2.eu.verio.net []

Trace complete.
Last edited by bambam on Mon Apr 06, 2009 8:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Odd Problem

bambam wrote:are you 100% sure this isn't conficker? It does go spastic trying to update itself via the web. To get it via the network you'd have to be unpatched since Oct last year but now it's passable via USB keys.



not 100% but i find it odd how 3 virus scans found nothing, so im not even sure how i would find conficker to try and remove it, as im not actually detecting it
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Re: Odd Problem

oops i was editting my post so pls look one upwards :roll:
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Re: Odd Problem

k cool trying them now, the first one is ok, sits and keeps pinging like so

Code: Select all

Reply from bytes=32 time=70ms TTL=56
Reply from bytes=32 time=70ms TTL=56
Reply from bytes=32 time=69ms TTL=56
Reply from bytes=32 time=70ms TTL=56
but the second one (tracert direct.gov.uk)

starts to look like yours, then cmd prompt quickly closes after a few hop things, about 5 lines and cmd prompt closes :(
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Re: Odd Problem

cmd prompt quickly closes after a few hop things
eh?? you mean you open a command prompt, see the "C:\....\...\>" prompt, type "tracert direct.gov.uk", hit enter and the whole window closes after a few seconds ?
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Re: Odd Problem

yeah it gives me a few lines of txt similar to yours (i dont get time to copy paste em) then it just shuts the cmd window

im running hat first one and its averaging around 70ms and not hanging atm, touich wood... this is rather odd
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Re: Odd Problem

yeah that's wierd, I've never seen that. Is this XP or Vista ?
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Re: Odd Problem

XP, this is rather odd, ill have to try closing this ping thing, and leaving it idle see if it hangs... its really odd
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Re: Odd Problem

if there was something broken about your ethernet (LAN) driver maybe that could cause the 'tracert' to abort. I reckon you somehow need to accumulate info about the health of the ethernet connection over a longer period - e.g. ping your router. It's a fekkin mystery at this point. Or..... just ping the ethernet interface on your own card and see if that dies. To find your own ip address type 'ipconfig /all' at the command prompt.
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Re: Odd Problem

well would seem im infected then, as i can only see 1 of those 3 security pictures.... now.. how the hell do i go about removing this shit lol?
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Re: Odd Problem

my bad, just took them ages to load up, so would seem in NOT infected... but still having probs :( argh this is so odd

Re: Odd Problem

Please check my post in Techie stuff thread for a possible answer to any internet woes.

http://forum.ofc-gaming.com/viewtopic.p ... 933#p28933
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