Xbox Live Gamertags

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Xbox Live Gamertags

Since im quite sure a few of us have a Sexbox and quite a few will be on live I thought we should have a thread where people can put their gamertags. Be fun to play some none CS games with you guys.

Anyways mines: Tomberry2312
Legato: Filbert2805
Groinshot: Groinsh0t
Redddragon: redddragon
Morg: Morguk

I'll update this post aswell with other peoples for ease.

Sorry if this has been done somewhere else, I searched for it but didnt get anything apart from a thread about games which had a few in but thought this would be easier :)
Last edited by Lazarus on Thu Jun 04, 2009 4:59 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Xbox Live Gamertags

you know mine


what makes me laugh is before me, 8 views on this thread... people came in to check what the thread was about............ :roll:
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Re: Xbox Live Gamertags

I think this is somewhere already.
mines groinsh0t
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Re: Xbox Live Gamertags


My years gold subsricption expired unused though. Rather play on Steam games
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Re: Xbox Live Gamertags

groinshot wrote:I think this is somewhere already.
mines groinsh0t
I thought this as well but had a search and could only find the thread on games, which does have some gamertags in but thought this would be easier to find peoples.
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Re: Xbox Live Gamertags

mines is: smms snoopy

im not on much, but add me anyway, and when i do some on i'll accept
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Re: Xbox Live Gamertags

Mines Domzskii =]
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Re: Xbox Live Gamertags

Quick bump anyone actually active on the 360?
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Re: Xbox Live Gamertags

Nope, sorry :(
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Re: Xbox Live Gamertags

groinshot wrote:Nope, sorry :(
Thia has to be the most pointless post out of every pointless post by Groiny

I bought an Xbox last christmas for my son , have only used it for legobatman/star wars/Indianna jones as he's only 7 .Most of the games I got with the bundle were PG for obvious reasons. Some questions for Legato (or anyone else that Xboxes)
Is it worth it to buy a gold account for internet access?
Are the numerous stories on the net about xbox being full of 12 year old true? (by the way ,unlike what most people think ,I would not consider this a plus)
Is the hosting any good?
Are FPS's any good on the Xbox controller because I've had some rage inducing problems with the lego games , trying to climb ladders and trying to complete jumps ,which I don't know are down to game/camera design or the controller.
Illegitimi non carborundum

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Re: Xbox Live Gamertags

I think it just takes loads of practice to get good at playing FPS's with a controller. My Nephew plays lots on MW2 on Xbox live and he controls it alright.

I can't do it though, but I'd rather play FPS games on the PC with keyboard and mouse. I had xbox live for 12months and found I didn't play it.
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Re: Xbox Live Gamertags

Ok first off Reddragon lol @ your sig.. the resolution size fucked or summat?
Are the numerous stories on the net about xbox being full of 12 year old true? (by the way ,unlike what most people think ,I would not consider this a plus)
Yes unfortunatly the majority of the xboxlive is full of kids, especially cock of doodey modern warfare, however the more 'grown up games' like BattlefieldBC2, Forza, Grid (our kinda games) are populated by the less retards of society.
Is the hosting any good?
Yes, BFBC2 is dedicated servers from what i can see, and not had problems with them at all apart from the blip on the first weekend, but now not had a single problem

MW2 is player hosted, but if that player leaves or has shit connection speed, the host migrates to another player instead of closing down.

Overall ive never had problems with hosting on the 360, pretty much all online games work fine for me, apart from AvP which ahs some serious issues.
Are FPS's any good on the Xbox controller
It will take practice, im the same as you, have played FPS games on PC for years, and switching over to console and pad is not easy at all, but eventually you will click and get it, i find turning the sensitivity down to pretty much 0 helps a hell of a lot, but thats just me. I wont lie, its not easy, and i dont like it (god bring us the day a usb mouse and keyboard is released for the 360)
Is it worth it to buy a gold account for internet access?
Overall: Yes. Dont pay microsoft prices though, talk to Lazarus he knows some cheap places to buy access from. Having a Gold acount is only really viable if you intend to play games online, if not then you can probably get away with a silver account. But again a gold account does unlock stuff on the marketplace.
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