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Over-Heating Lappy - Advice

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2009 9:48 pm
by Domzskii
Hey Guys,
Yeah well you may have noticed that ive being exiting the game only after playing between 30 an hour and 1hour, This is becuase due to the weather my lappy seems to be over heating well that it was i have come to conclude but it only happens when i play CS:S however i haven't tryed any other games but browseing ect is fine. So i think that its when my lappy has to do abit of work but yeah i was wondering if anyone had any tips how to stop it over heating.
Any help i will be grateful for,
Hopefully be in game with you guys soon or ill have to wait for rainy day :( ...

Re: Over-Heating Lappy - Advice

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2009 11:30 pm
by groinshot

Re: Over-Heating Lappy - Advice

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 7:57 am
by IXL
I had a simular issue with two work laptops. Dell and an Acer.

As bullets has said, check the vents. Its the most likely cause. Over time, sometimes blocks of dust get trapped between the internal cpu fan and the heatsink copper grills. This caused the fans to want to run at full speed all the time as sufficient air wasnt being sucked in and then blown out. I carefully took the case apart, ( you might not need to do the whole case ) and was able to carefully clean out the fan and heatsink.

Re: Over-Heating Lappy - Advice

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 10:52 pm
by Domzskii
Cheers for the help guys, ill give it a try.. :D