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Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 9:47 pm
by thecountcz
banned tonight for no reason :( follow server rules and always help team...

i always use comms spike aint seen ya about 2 let ya see my team play :( you were on my team on dust 2 and i always helped team... i didn't hear your mic open once

on office server rules say ya cant camp so i rushed the back stairs...

Re: Count

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 2:56 pm
by spike
id be very carfull m8 if i was you the whole clan know why i saying much on comms at the mo

Re: Count

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 2:58 pm
by spike
spike wrote:id be very carfull m8 if i was you the whole clan know why i saying much on comms at the mo
i always use comms spike aint seen ya about 2 let ya see my team play you were on my team on dust 2 and i always helped team... i didn't hear your mic open once
cheeky little non paying guest

Re: Count

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 3:28 pm
by Highwaywarrior

Your ban is subject of a discussion among the admins currently. This discussion will not involve Spike (as is the way we do things so that an independent and impartial conclusion can be reached)

May I suggest that until we have reached a conclusion you say no more to avoid irritating anyone and ruining any chances you may still have left of playing on S1 again.

If you wish to PM me then feel free to do so and I will listen to anything you may want to say.