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Can't get steam to work

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 7:09 pm
by Redddraggon
I've just installed steam on my new Laptop, the only problem is that after installation it starts to load, but then comes with an error - "failed to download platform configuration data" - my only option is to click "OK", and that shuts down.

I've read the Steam forums and none of the solutions have worked for me, I've even uninstalled and installed about 5 times now, normally on windows I'd delete or rename the .blob file, but this is a Mac. Has anyone solved something like this?

Re: Can't get steam to work

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 7:47 pm
by CrAp
did some googling and forum-watching and it seems that problem isnt unique. ive found some solution for other brands but ive read stuff that there isnt a solution for the mac. ... ?t=1872532 ... ?t=1179121 ... ?t=1866690

you allready said that youve tried for the blob file etc, but here are some links to pout you on the way again. Youve prob seen them or tried them allready but maybe theres an extra option youve overlooked.

Re: Can't get steam to work

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 8:04 pm
by Redddraggon
I'm in! For some reason making a new account it'd let me log in, once I logged out of that it let me into my normal account aa)