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DAY-Z Stand Alone

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 12:28 pm
by Thundercat
Anyone playing the stand alone version (alpha) yet? Got it in the sale and its far better than the mod already.

Re: DAY-Z Stand Alone

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 10:12 am
by Para
is it any good ? been looking at it, its looks tempting ?

Re: DAY-Z Stand Alone

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 2:32 pm
by Para
sod it, downloading now :wink: its gotta be better than BF4 ! grab me on steam if you fancy a game 8)

Re: DAY-Z Stand Alone

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 10:27 pm
by MegaYoda
can we go around in a group or is it every man for himself?
Any in game comms or do we need TS?

Re: DAY-Z Stand Alone

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 12:16 am
by Gavac220
You can meet up and work together, but beware, you find a friend, then boom! He shoots you in the back and feeds you to the zombies so he can get your tin of beans. You have been warned.........

Re: DAY-Z Stand Alone

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 7:06 pm
by Para
Yes it Alpha stage, but holy shit its buggy !! you have been warned !
looks fun though :D

Re: DAY-Z Stand Alone

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 10:40 am
by Thundercat
Yea its pre-alpha so buggy, based on the ARMA2 engine with some code from the ARMA3 engine. There are a few fatal bugs in it... like random deaths for no reason. Most annoying one!

Tips on play though.

When you first start find fresh water, pond, river, well. Drink until it says my tummy is full. About 20 drinks or so. Now hunt for food clothes, back packs etc. Best weapon is a fire axe = 1 hit kill. Guns are ok at distance but close quarter just keep moving if a player killer appears.

Pickpocketing ;)
Get close enough to another player and you can pick pocket them, all you do is sneak up on them open your inventory and away you go!

Learn the Vault key to sprint and jump fences. Good way to avoid player killers.

Easy looting?
Play on alow populated server ahd head for a militray base, best place for wepons and gear.

First Aid
T-Shirts and Bandanna can be ripped into rags and used as bandages. If you find disinfectant or alcoholic mixtures apply these to rags to make them sterile.

Food and Drink
As said above first drink loads until tummy is full message, when you find food EAT IT! Only don't eat if tummy is full, do not over eat at this stage as you will puke and lose water and food!
So only horde food if tummy is full else eat it, you need to keep energy high and tummy full else you will not heal if injured or infected.
Never eat rotten food you just get ill / sick. If this happens you need to find some charcoal tabs to help you stop being sick / vomiting.

Water Bottle
Find one and keep it, you can refill it at a well,pond or river. I try and have at least one in my backpack.

Screen is loosing colour?
This is because you haven't got enough food/drink in you and are slowly starving or have low blood count. Blood level will only rise on a fully belly!

Learn the F keys to signal friendly etc.

Once you have a decent backpack get an ammo box, it can hold a mixture of ammo but only takes up 4 inventory slots.

First aid kits
Same as ammo holds more than it takes up in inventory but only holds first aid equipment.

Tin openers
You can open tinned food with a knife, axe, screwdriver or a tin opener. All bar the tin opener will result in food loss when opening the tin. So find a tin opener!

At the moment zombies are low spawn (they are working on the code to reduce lag). Zombies work on line of sight, so you can sneak up behind them or sneak past them. At the moment you can out sprint them unlike the original mod.
As always head hits are the most powerful though leg hits can knock them down.

Use you rags as explained above to bandage asap, infected/sick you need to find some antibiotics and some vitamin pills too speed up you healing also keep well fed and hydrated.

Thats all for now... :)